
Watch Your Capital Letters

Here is something most people reading this probably don't know because it doesn't make a lick of sense: Google treats…


Using Amazon.com for Topic Research

If you've read much of our blog (or our articles, books, etc.), then you know that we are HUGE advocates…


New Book Almost Done

Well, yes, I am still writing 30 minutes every day per my New Year's challenge to myself. Then where the…


AdWords Ads: To Optimize or Not to Optimize?

When you set up your Google AdWords campaigns, you should create multiple ads for each ad group, in order to…


The Thirty Minute Writing Challenge

Write thirty minutes every day. That is one of the challenges to myself at the start of 2010. Day three…


A Lesson in Keywords: How Many Keywords Do You Need?

There is a client we have worked with for a long time who has a Google AdWords campaign that has…


A New Beginning

2010 is upon us, and we at Work Media are very excited for the future of our company and the…


Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend. Work Media is shutting down for a couple of days, but never fear!…


Whiteboard Planning

We're trying something different at Work Media. It seems like every December we create a marketing plan for the coming…


Blog Comment Linking: Good or Bad?

Recently, in its Google Webmaster blog (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com), Google posted about spam links in blog comments, and how using these links…
