
Does Your Search Engine Marketer Know What He's Doing?

These days, anyone can set up a paid search account and call himself a pay per click expert. But there…


Have Patience with Pay per Click

You have to have patience when running a paid search campaign. Here is a real world example, from our own…


Beware of False Promises

If you are thinking of working with a search engine optimization company and they tell you they can have your…


Internet Marketing Update

We have been hard at work for weeks now on a couple of projects that are taking way longer than…


Make Sure Your Landing Pages Work!

The topic of today's post may seem obvious. I mean, who wouldn't make sure their landing pages work before launching…


Lose the Ego – It's About the Keywords, Not Your Name

Get used to being known as a keyword rather than a name. If you're trying to generate search engine rankings,…


How to Promote a Web Site on $100 and 2 Hours per Week

Recently, I responded to a question on LinkedIn (or it could have been Yahoo!) where someone had asked the best…


An Introduction to the Kelly Formula

Today we're going deep. We're going to examine a mathematical equation created years ago by a guy named J. L.…


Exciting New Blogger Features that Will Bring Your Boring Blog to Life

Google has been working on some new features of the Blogger blogging platform which are really cool. To try them…


Designing a Pay per Click Management System

In the course of working on our latest book, I have put a lot of thought into the concept of…
