
MSN Advertising; Taking Advantage of Dynamic Text Options

The Microsoft AdCenter console used to manage sponsored search ads on MSN has some very interesting dynamic text features that…


Pay-Per-Click Marketing Analysis: Another Look at the Numbers

When preparing to begin a pay-per-click (ppc), or sponsored search, campaign, it really helps to go into the situation with…


Warnings on PPC Bid Management Software

Bid management software for managing pay-per-click campaigns seem like a great idea. You tell the software what you want your…


Myriad Search: Another Tool for the Internet Marketer's Toolbox

Myriad Search (myriadsearch.com) is an interesting search engine research tool created by the guy who runs seobook.com. It lets you…


Google Site-Targeted Search Engine Campaigns: Another Internet Marketing Weapon

You already know about pay-per-click. If not, you haven't been paying attention. Give us a call.But did you know that…


Getting Started Distributing Articles to Promote Your Web Site

Today we thought we would talk a little bit about where to distribute articles for Internet marketing purposes. If you've…


Proof That Blogging Works as an Internet Marketing Technique

It took us a while to really get into blogging. Considering that our blog is not just personal musings on…


Yahoo! Search Marketing Secret Weapon: the Alternate Text Feature

We have been spending a fair amount of time lately exploring the new Yahoo Search Marketing interface, and we've come…


Seach Engine Marketing: the Trouble with API's

An "API" is an Application Programming Interface that allows you to hook into another computer system to exchange information with…


The Two Disciplines of Successful Pay-Per-Click Marketing, Part 2

Yesterday we began our discussion of the dual disciplines of successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing with an explanation of the mathematician…
