Internet Marketing: Blogging for Prospects

Ok, I know what you’re thinking… “why is this cat discussing the benefits of blogging in his FIRST blog entry?” Well, to be honest I’m extremely busy marketing clients websites and helping them succeed online. I’ve been talking about this forever and decided that I have to MAKE time for it.

Blogging, if not already, will become an essential component for online marketing. Blogging allows companies to discuss new products and services with their potential customers before it’s available to the public. People love to read about new products and services so they have an edge on their friends and co-workers. We live in an information rich society. It’s simply the way it is. Today there are blogs about any subject or industry on the web. Over the last few years we’ve seen blog search engines come to light, which allow you to easily locate the information or subject your seeking. Another benefit of blogging is RSS feeds or “Real Simple Syndication”. This allows you to share content or allow your readers to subscribe to your material. Now this can really get the “snowball effect” going for you.

Does your company understand the importance of blogging, but don’t have the time to get it going? Contact WorkMedia today and we can help you organize an effective online marketing strategy. We have a combined 12 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click, Click Path Analysis and more!

Chris Work
