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I recently read an article on BusinessWeek titled “Web Numbers: What’s Real?”. I have to admit that I was somewhat bothered by the article. It discusses the where/when of website statistics and the available sources for gathering this data. The conclusion, according to BusinessWeek, there really isn’t a method for accurately acquiring this data and site owners don’t exactly know how much traffic they receive or where this traffic is coming from. BusinessWeek even went as far to claim the “dirty little secret of Silicon Valley is that no one knows exactly who is going where on the Web.” I could rant on this all day, but I’ll spare you. This is all you need to know…

1. 80% of online shoppers visit Search Engines when researching/purchasing products.
2. Use your data to determine which search engine they visited and what search query they used
3. Purchase pay per click ads. Even if you’re not interested in advertising with PPC ads, it’s an excellent source for gathering keyword data for search engine optimization or “organic” marketing.
4. Are your visitors purchasing or requesting additional information??

Who cares about the exact number of visitors your site receives.. It’s CONVERSIONS that matter!

Contact WorkMedia for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click campaign management.