Blogging for Search Engine Rankings – the Local Perspective

Work Media is finishing up our first month of providing blogging services for one of our clients. The experiment has gone well. We blog all the time for our own purposes (we’re up to post number 115 – whoohoo!). But to blog for someone else in a completely different industry…well, it’s a challenge. But we’ve pulled it off, and all honesty, it has gone very well.

The point is this – if we can author a regularly updated blog (three times per week) for someone else…in an industry we really don’t know a whole lot about…YOU CAN DO IT FOR YOURSELF.

By the way, the posts we’re doing are not random pieces of meaningless crap. We have spent a good bit of time doing online research for material to write about it. But there is a lot of material out there for us to learn from and borrow ideas from. The blog posts don’t have to be brilliant. They just need to focus on some specific concept or piece of information related to your industry. And THEY NEED TO USE KEYWORDS RELATED TO YOUR INDUSTRY.

Now, if you are able to develop a loyal audience around your blog, then that is spectacular. It’s also difficult to do. But if you just do the blog regularly (and the blog is indexed in the major search engines) you will generate search engine rankings for various odd phrases that happen to be in your blog. It makes sense then to use keywords for your industry so you generate rankings for searches related to your business.

This approach is particularly useful for generating geographically-related search rankings. For instance, if you are a law firm, it will be very difficult to generate high search engine rankings for terms like “personal injury attorney”. But you just might be able to generate related searches that contain geographic modifiers – i.e., “Buffalo personal injury attorney”.

If you just don’t have time to publish your own blog, give us a call at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net. We’ll do all the work for you.
