615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Print on Demand Hierarchy

My company has two books in print on Amazon.com and a third one being written. The books are self-published via Amazon’s print on demand (POD) service, CreateSpace. It’s a great service that is very easy to use. In a way, it’s sort-of a starter...

How to Use Trend Hopping with Print on Demand to Sell More Stuff Online

We have made heavy use of print on demand, or POD, as a credibility builder. POD allows anyone to be an author and publisher. It doesn’t matter how obscure the material or how small the audience. Today I want to explore a concept that we call “trend...

Write a Book Now

Well, a few weeks ago we launched our first book on Amazon.com, and it has been an interesting experiment. We have not yet set the world on fire with book sales, but it has been a great credibility builder when talking to local prospects, especially when I hand them a...