615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Work Media will be taking a couple of days off this week for Thanksgiving, as I imagine most of you are doing. This is the time of year when things start slowing down a bit, and business people such as ourselves reflect on the year behind and start planning for the year ahead. So just for fun, I thought I would list some things we are thankful for:

  1. We’re still in business! We have seen so many businesses shut down this year, including our former partners who were a one-time successful Nashville ad agency. Unemployment nationwide is sky high, and people are having a hard time all over. If you have a job, or work for yourself, you are doing pretty good right now.
  2. Bing. Google needs some competition…bad. We are unhappy about some of the changes Google has made over the last few years, many of which it seems (to us, at least) were done just because they can. When you have no competition, you can get away with things like that.
  3. Dickson, Tennessee. Until a couple of months ago, we were operating out of a very nice office in downtown Nashville. For a while, it was really cool being downtown in the city. But that coolness quickly wore off and was replaced by feelings of inconvenience. Now that we have relocated to downtown Dickson, a little town a ways outside of Nashville, we can get to work much quicker and get more work done in the same number of hours.
  4. Big companies in the legal marketing industry who rip off their clients. It’s not that we really like seeing anyone get ripped off, but word is getting out about the practices of some of the big companies in this industry, and that is only going to serve to drive more business to smaller companies like Work Media that operate in a much more ethical manner.
  5. Print on demand. Over the last year, we have made great use of this publishing technology. We released two books, both of which went up for sale on Amazon.com things to print on demand. It has been very helpful for spreading our company’s name and establishing our credibility.
  6. Our health. Everybody at Work Media and our families is relatively healthy right now, which is the greatest wealth of all.

What are you thankful for?

Have a great Thanksgiving!