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Most business owners really don’t know the proper way to use Facebook for business purposes. And it’s no wonder – Facebook really does not make it very intuitive, and the change how things work all the time. So I am going to show you how to do it as of this moment in time, March 13th, 2018.

To begin with, there is no such thing as a business Page account. Your Facebook account is just your personal account, so there is no separate login to manage your Page. I am not going to go into the process of first creating a Page for your business. We have talked about that before, and that part of the process if pretty self explanatory.

Rather, what I am going to focus on is how you should use Facebook when you are using it for promoting your business, as opposed to just using it for non-commercial personal reasons.

So let’s get to it. After you log into Facebook, you should select your Page by clicking the little arrow in the upper right-hand corner, and then clicking on your Page name.


That will take you to your Facebook Page, where you can post updates to your business Page rather than your personal account.

There are a few things you are going to want to do with your account:

  • Post regularly with a mix of different type of content.
  • Boost posts to push them out to a targeted audience.
  • Follow other businesses (especially potential referral sources).
  • Re-post updates from the above businesses.

I’m not going to spend any time on the updating or boosting process. Updating is the same as doing a personal update once you are logged into your business Page as shown above. The boosting process will require a much more in-depth discuss about how Facebook advertising works. We’ll get to that another time. What I want to do today is focus on the last two items in the above list – following other businesses and re-posting their content.

To find business to follow, just type a search keyword in the search box, and hit Enter.


Then sort the results by Pages.


Look down through the search results and click on any result that looks interesting. When you get to the Page, click the little button with three dots beneath the header.


Then click Like As Your Page from the dropdown list.


That will allow you to like the Page as your business Page, rather than just as yourself. You should repeat this process many times, following as many businesses as you can that could be useful. If you operate at a local level, it would be a great idea to follow other businesses in your town.

Next, you want to share updates from the businesses you follow to your Page. To do that, go to your business Page as described above. Then click the See Pages Feed on the right side of the screen.


You can now like and share posts as your Page.


Do this process regularly. It lets you find material to post to your Page, and every time you do, the other Page will receive notice of it, and hopefully return the favor and share some of your updates!

Especially for a local business, building up your Facebook following is a fantastic way to spread your brand, get your message in front of people, and drive traffic to your website. But it doesn’t work if you don’t actually do it. If you need help, contact Work Media today. We are Internet marketing experts who are highly skilled in Facebook management. Give us a call at 615-375-8793 today or email me at jwork@workmedia.net.