615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The secrets angle is one that might work well for a professional services business. There are things you know how to do, or information you have, that most people don’t know. Or that most people don’t know that they know. If you don’t know something that others don’t, find something. Or merge pieces of information together into something new. It might take some work, but it’s worth it. An ad with a title like “5 Secrets of Millionaire Real Estate Investors” compels people interested in real estate to read more. Combine that kind of compelling marketing hook with aggressive search engine optimization, and you’ve got a sure-fire targeted traffic generator.

Just as important as having a strong marketing hook is creating the impression that you are the absolute authority in your area of expertise. Write articles. Write books. Publish a blog. Get your name out there. If you use the secrets angle discussed above, back it up. Do your research.

Here is a real good formula for online marketing success:

Strong Marketing Hook + Authoritative Impression + Search Engine Optimization = Targeted Natural Traffic

Pick one of the six buttons of buzz discussed in my previous post and use it as the foundation for an attention-getting marketing angle. You don’t have to create something completely new. You just have to repackage it in a new way. Following are examples of ways to present information in a more exciting way:

1. 5 Secrets of…
2. 10 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know About…
3. We Will Tripple Your Money Back If You Don’t…If We Don’t…
4. Introducing the Biggest News in [Some Industry] in 15 Years…
5. The Shocking Results of 2 Years of Research Into [Something Related to Your Industry]…

Come up with something attention-getting (but real), combine it with a content creation program and SEO, and you’ve got a winner.

Contact Work Media for help implementing your Internet marketing campaign.

Tags: Internet marketing Search engine marketing