615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Man, it is hard coming up with something original to write about almost every single day. With that in mind, we thought today we would just point out a few blogs we have been checking out that we really like:

I think “copyblogger” is a take on the word “copywriter”, which is an interesting thought. Blogging is sort-of like the 21st century version of copywriting. The major difference is copywriting is done specifically for the purpose of influencing the reader to take an action, whereas blog writing can be done for any purpose, although in a business setting it is meant to influence the reader in a more roundabout way. It’s a very soft sell. Anyway, the point of the site is to give copywriting tips for bloggers to more successfully use their blogs as marketing vehicles. It’s a very good read.

The purpose of this site is to give advice on how to make money with your blog. While that is not really what we’re trying to do (and may not be what you are trying to do), you can’t make money without driving a fair amount of traffic to your blog. So that’s what this blog really comes down to – how to get people to your blog. There is a lot of good advice here.

This blog has lots of short posts that discuss various resources you can get for free or for cheap that will give you an edge in your Internet marketing. It’s definitely worth a look, and you may even discover some products you’d like to resell yourself.

If there is anything we can do to help you be more successful in your Internet marketing, please call us at 888-299-4837 or email info@workmedia.net.