615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

‘Tis the start of college football season, and that is a very good thing. We’re Tennessee football fans around here, so we will be glued to the TV come Monday night for the UT/UCLA game. Go Vols!

We are continuing on with our Squidoo campaign, building lots of pages on different subjects. We have not seen much in the way of traffic yet, but it’s still very early in the life of the project. Our goal is to get “Giant Squid” status as quickly as possible, which requires we have a minimum of 50 “high quality” lenses. Regardless of that, we are generating lots of unique content that links back to our site, which is always a positive.

We have gotten our book on Amazon.com tagged, which should improve our visibility for relevant site searches. If you’re reading this and would like a free downloadable copy for review, email me at jwork@workmedia.net. I’d love to read your reviews on Amazon.

That’s all for now. We will pick back up with the educational style blogs very soon. Thanks for reading!

As always, call 888-299-4837 or email us if you need any help with your search engine marketing.