615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

We try out new tools for doing our job better and faster all the time. One that I am currently trying out is an online service called JetSubmitter. This tool does two things: it creates spun articles from your seed article, and it distributes those articles to a few hundred article directories. One limitation of the service is that it only works with article directories that run on a particular script, so it does not work with most of the extremely well known (and high PR) sites. But if it works with the few hundred with which it is supposed to, then that’s good enough, given the low price of the service.

One weakness is that it does not have any kind of reporting functionality. So the only way to know if your articles are actually getting submitted is to search for your article titles in Google or another search engine. I started using the service late last week, and I have seen a couple of pages with my article show up in Google results (when searching for the exact article name in quotes), so I have verified that it is at least partly working.

Another weakness is the lack of support. User reviews of the service are horrible, with many people saying that is just doesn’t work and that there is no way to contact the creator. So far, for me, it has worked, so I am not worried about support at this point. However, I have a good bit of experience with article spinning and using similar software, so I think my personal learning curve was not as great as some other people’s might be.

If you decide to try it out, sign up for the free or $1 trial and the $17 monthly service, if you can find the page. Funny story: I had actually signed up at $27, but then I found a page offering it at $17, so I canceled the $27 account and opened another account at $17. The one thing you absolutely should not do is sign up for a year of service up front. Given the lack of communication on the part of the developer of the service, the site could shut down next week and you would never hear from anyone about it (and might not get your money back). So take the pay-as-you-go option.

Obviously, this is not a rousing endorsement, and I really can’t speak for the effectiveness of the service yet. All I will say is that, at $17 per month, if the service works like it’s supposed to, then it’s a bargain. But be forewarned – you may not receive any support. If you are new to article writing or article spinning, you should probably look elsewhere for something that will be easier for you to figure out.

You can check it out at http://www.jetsubmitter2.com.