Download The Small Town Internet Marketing Cheatsheet for FREE!

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Jerry Work’s Small Town Internet Marketing is a 113 page guide that any business located in a small town (or anywhere, really) could use to gain an advantage over the competition. Look, the Internet marketing of most small businesses sucks. If you just do a little bit of work, you can blow away your competition online. And make no mistake…NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE TOWN, PEOPLE ARE LOOKING ONLINE FOR WHAT IT IS YOU SELL OR DO.
The problem, of course, is who’s got time to read 113 pages? So we’ve made it even easier and condensed the WHOLE THING down to 1 page! But we’re not selling it…we’re giving it away!
Now look, obviously we had to leave out a few details. But if you follow the steps on the cheatsheet, you WILL be successful. So why give it away? Because, to be frank, it’s still a lot of work, and most small town business owners are too busy running their business. We figure some of you might decide to buy the book to get all the extra information. Some of you guys might even give us a holler to see if we can help you out.