615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net
The 11:15 PM Blog Post

The 11:15 PM Blog Post

I took about a two month hiatus from blogging. I would not recommend you do that. I’ve had a nagging in the back of my head for weeks…”you gotta start blogging again…you must begin posting content again…you must get off your...
Connecting Things with IFTTT

Connecting Things with IFTTT

I have a client who has a website that was built several years ago on the WordPress platform. In the interim, much of the hosting environment and platform became outdated. The version of PHP that the server was running was outdated, WordPress was outdated, and most of...

Blog Friday

An associate here who regularly blogs on another website we have commented that today was “Blog Friday,” and it hit me that that is a great concept. Blogging needs to be a consistent part of your Internet marketing; something that you do every week, maybe...