615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

I took about a two month hiatus from blogging. I would not recommend you do that. I’ve had a nagging in the back of my head for weeks…”you gotta start blogging again…you must begin posting content again…you must get off your ass…” I have a pretty decent excuse.

I recently sold a piece of land that had an old building that used to be an antique store that my wife and I owned. The building was still jam-packed with antiques, and I only had four weeks after we signed the contract for the sale to get all of the stuff either liquidated or moved somewhere. It was quite a task, while still conducting my everyday business as well.

But you know what? It was just an excuse. I should have still been blogging and creating a stream of content the whole time.

I’ve been listening a lot lately to a guy named Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s brilliant. And one of the things he harps on constantly is that you MUST create content every day. So listening to Gary has finally shamed me until getting back into the content creation business.

And that’s why it’s 11:15 PM…and I’m working on this blog post. Because it’s got to be done. Make no mistake. This is a chore that at this moment I am not particularly enjoying because I am tired and want to go to bed. I didn’t even have a topic in mind when I sat down to type this out. The only thing I could think of is…it’s 11:15 PM. And I’m typing out a blog post.

So today there is no profound lesson to be learned here. There are no Internet marketing tactics contained here. Other than one:

Create a piece of content every day, no excuses. Well…at least every business day. Hopefully my efforts here at 11:15 at night will shame you into getting this done like Gary shamed me.