615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Please take this time to learn from my mistake. I recently extinguished a forrest fire because i misspelled one word in a keyword meta tag. I have a client that was threatened with a lawsuit over the letter “C”. That’s right..the letter “C”.. I apparently defamed a company in a similar field by referencing their company instead of the inteneded client. As you’re aware this is NOT the practice of Work Media. In fact, we’ve been known to blow the whistle when we see unethical practices being used. (better watch it boys!) Luckily, we were able to resolve the issue with a simple disclaimer and all is well again. When you’re optimizing a site and creating title/meta content, check your spelling to ensure you’re not creating a potential legal battle in the process.

Questions and comments are always welcome!

Work Media