615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Following are twenty of the top article directories, roughly ranked by recent Alexa ratings. These directories all have a reasonably high PageRank, a low Alexa rating (lower is better), and allow Do Follow links. This is a good list to use for your SEO campaign.

  1. Ezinearticles.com. The king of article directories.
  2. Buzzle.com.
  3. Goarticles.com.
  4. Gather.com.
  5. Ezinemark.com.
  6. Infobarrel.com.
  7. Ideamarketers.com.
  8. Thefreelibrary.com.
  9. Amazines.com.
  10. Sooperarticles.com.
  11. Pubarticles.com.
  12. Articlerich.com.
  13. Triond.com.
  14. Articledashboard.com.
  15. Articlecity.com.
  16. Isnare.com.
  17. Submityourarticle.com.
  18. Articletrader.com.
  19. Articleblast.com.
  20. Articleclick.com.