615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

We have been working on a new web site, www.law-firm-internet-marketing.net, that is a site devoted to information about using Internet marketing to promote law firm web sites. Law firms spend an incredible amount of money on advertising, including outdated vehicles like large Yellow Pages ads. It is our mission to inform the legal community about ways to better spend their marketing dollars – about how to use the Internet to generate more clients at a lower cost.

The site still needs a few tweaks, but it is there for the most part. It includes an articles page that will grow over time as we write new material. And the site will eventually be heavily optimized in conjunction with an off-site linking/content campaign to build a link catalog. If we can’t actively demonstrate what we do by causing our own sites to rank well, then what good are we?

We love working with law firms. Our co-founder Chris Work has an extensive background working specifically with law firms, having optimized and promoted dozens of law firm web sites. And we are sickened by the scam that is pulled every day in the industry of promoting legal web sites…and that is when a firm gets conned into signing up with a company to promote its site, while that company is also simultaneously promoting web sites for dozens of firms IN THE SAME CITY! We’re not going to name names, but if you know anything about this industry, you know who we’re talking about.

So we are taking a more proactive stance to get into this market and take market share away from the scammers.

If you are responsible for marketing and promotion at a law firm, please call us today at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net. We can save you a ton of money over your traditional media, and we will ONLY work for you to reach the top of the search rankings in your city.