615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

I’m typing this on my laptop on the way to the office (I commute with my brothers most days, which often gives me the opportunity to work in the car), typing as fast as I can because my battery is going dead. This is the place where my type out most of my blogs. Since blogging is a non-revenue generating activity, I don’t like to spend too much time in the office doing it.
What’s your strategy for getting blog posts written?

You need to find a place, and a regular time if possible, to type out your blog posts. If you can systematize the process, it will make you more efficient at getting blogs posted and make the process less demanding. I recently blogged about the SEO content cycle, in which I suggested that you re-cycle blog material into articles, articles into books, etc. If you can find a regular place and location to type, you can begin this kind of content cycle, which could have a profound impact on your business.

If you are an early riser, maybe you can set aside some to blog early in the morning. If you’re a night owl, then late at night might work better for you. If you’re like me and often have time in the mornings on the way to work, then that might be the best option. But find somewhere and go to work!

Blogging is a very “soft” marketing activity. You’re not actively displaying a marketing message to prospects. It’s more like you are placing more and more bait out until cyberspace hoping to attract prospects. It’s a long-term business strategy. This is one reason I suggest you do it as much as you can outside the office.

If you could use some help implementing a blogging strategy for your business, call Work Media today at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net.