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A San Fransisco-based company called Eyetools has just released a new report based on eye tracking research involving people performing searches on Google. The URL to read about the research is:


The research reveals that searchers’ eyes scan the search results page in an a triangle pattern beginning in the upper left-hand corner, with another hot, smaller triangle of eye activity in the right-hand side.

The report’s results are not really surprising, as it verifies what earlier similar research had indicated, as well as what you would expect based on an American’s reading pattern of left-to-right. It supports the idea that you will receive the most search engine traffic if you have your site listed as near the top as possible. However, the report does not take into consideration economic factors such as return on investment and search inventory. Search inventory means the total number of searches performed for a particular search phrase. For most search phrases, there is plenty of search inventory to generate traffic without being at the top of the page, and you can generate clicks for a much lower rate than clicks at the top of the page will likely cost.

You should try to get as close to the top as possible while keeping pay-per-click bids as low as possible. Obviously, for natural search results, you just want to get as close to the top as possible.

For help maximizing your Pay-Per-Click or natural search marketing campaigns, contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or info@workmedia.net.