615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

No blog posts for weeks…that’s not good. But honestly, we have had so many projects in the works that blogging has just fallen down the list of priorities. But I know, I know…I have made the point before that if you publish a blog, you should find a way to make 2 or 3 blog posts a week no matter what. And I have broken that rule. So let’s start over.

Here are some of the things going on at Work Media. First off, our first retail book is now for sale at Amazon.com, Scientific Search Engine Marketing: Maximizing Your Pay per Click Return on Investment. You can also buy a digital download version on the Work Media web site. The book will absolutely improve your pay per click management skills. No questions. Go buy it now.

We have been begun releasing videos with search engine marketing advice. Because of a bug in the Blogger platform, our videos no longer get automatically added as blog posts, so we will have to begin adding them here manually.

We have also gotten heavy into using Squidoo. Squidoo, if you don’t know, is a site created by Seth “Permission Marketing” Godin that is sort-of a combination of a wiki-style site and a social networking site. Here are a couple of the Squidoo lenses we have set up so far so you can see what we’re talking about.



We’re going to have a lot of these before it’s over with, so we’ll post the URLs here as they go live. The cool thing about Squidoo is the way the pages are put together. You create pages (which are called “lenses” in Squidoo language) using a combination of modules, which are page elements that can be configured to automatically pull content from various sources. It lets you easily create an informative, dynamic page that updates itself. Squidoo also offers some advantages for SEO, which we will discuss in future blog posts and videos.

Contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or Info@WorkMedia.net if you need some help and guidance promoting your web site via search engine marketing.