Aug 29, 2006 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, Google launched a new edition to their arsenal of software: Google Enterprise. This includes Gmail, Calendar, Voice Chat (which connects to Gmail contacts…nice feature..) and web hosting. This sounds great, but i’m very interested in the hosting...
Aug 28, 2006 | Uncategorized
Howdy! Guys, i suppose you can call this blogger bankruptcy 🙂 The WorkMedia crew has been completely covered up making money for our clients…I hope you understand.Today, as I’m working on increasing revenue for a client of mine (i’m sorry i simply...
Jun 29, 2006 | Uncategorized
In a previous post, we discussed the need to write for two entities: people and search engines. Today, we are going to look into how to write specifically for people.The number one rule is to think like a copywriter.Think of the text on your web site as salesmanship...
Jun 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
When you engage in a linking campaign for your web site, you may experience frustration early in the process as you run out of places to get a link. You have to use some creativity, and you have to do a lot of searching, but there are a ton of places where you can...
Jun 22, 2006 | Uncategorized
In our opinion, success in online marketing requires three things: creativity, technology, and systematic effort.You have to have an element of creativity because online marketing is still marketing – you still have to use words and imagery to convince the...
Jun 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
Please take this time to learn from my mistake. I recently extinguished a forrest fire because i misspelled one word in a keyword meta tag. I have a client that was threatened with a lawsuit over the letter “C”. That’s right..the letter...
Jun 20, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today begins a new life for the Work Media (“ICanBeFound”) blog. We will now be updating the blog almost every day with short articles related to Internet marketing, along with longer, more in-depth articles that will be available through the Work Media...
Jun 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
Jerry attended the Internet Retailer conference in Chicago and will be writing a series of articles about it. The first one is below. Also, we recently released our first book, an online marketing guide entitled “Aggressive Online Marketing Fundamentals: the...
Mar 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well-crafted landing pages are critical to the success of an Internet marketing campaign. First, just what is a landing page? A landing page is a special page set up to achieve some kind of action, such as making a sale or getting the visitor to fill in a form, that a...
Mar 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
I am currently managing the search engine optimization efforts for a large ecommerce site, and I gotta say – it’s a mess. My employer paid a large sum of money to a web development firm in Michigan to develop a complicated ecommerce site that is full of...