615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Classic Business Wisdom: Sell Benefits, not Features

When you are writing copy and designing offers for your web site, you have got to keep in mind classic marketing wisdom because web copy has the same goal as advertising copy – to get the prospect to take action. This action may be to purchase a product, or it...

URL Rewriting for Dummies

If your web site is dynamic, meaning its content is stored and retrieved from a database (for example, an ecommerce site that stores its products in a database or any site that uses a content management system, or CMS), then you are at a disadvantage with regards to...

Make more money by spending less: Optimizing PPC landing pages

Launching a successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign is more than creating compelling ads. You need to place just as much emphasis on where you’re sending these visitors. When a visitor locates your product or service in a PPC ad you certainly don’t want to send this...

Search Engine Optimization: Analytics, Keywords and Research

Many of you have asked, “Why does our site rank for this keyword, but not this one”. Therefore, I would like to explain our process of selecting keywords for our marketing efforts.Most companies measure the success of an SEO marketing campaign by one thing: search...

Getting Your Feet Wet with Local Search

The Internet is the new yellow pages. Even the companies that create yellow pages directories think so, as companies like BellSouth and AT&T are concentrating increasingly on their online properties like yellowpages.com. The major search engines like Google and...

Blogging for Customers

If ever there was a secret weapon in the Internet marketer’s toolkit, it’s the blog (short for “Web Log”). The web site marketingterms.com defines a blog as a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and observations....