615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Even if you don’t know a thing about HTML, you can at least partially optimize the pages of your Web site by “eyeballing” them and passing the suggestions along to your web designer (or doing them yourself if you have that ability). Here are some tips to get you started (these tips assume you already have some idea of keywords you need to target):

  • Does the web page have a keyword-loaded title?
  • Does the keyword have a keyword-loaded header? A lot of un-optimized web sites have a header that says something like “Welcome to my web site!”. Scrap that and replace it with a header that instead uses your keywords.
  • Does your web page copy use your keywords and are the keywords used near the top of the page?
  • Is the web site copy easy on the eyes? Copy on a web page is much more difficult to read than words on paper, so you should break the copy up into short paragraphs and use lots of bullet points, along with occasional bold text, italics, etc. And use dark text on a light background.
  • Does your front page have some kind of call to action? You should try to get the Web reader to read more, sign up for your newsletter, read your blog, or whatever would further your objective.
  • Is the web design clean and uncluttered? Is the site easy to navigate?
  • Think from your customers’ perspective. Are you giving them what they need? If you don’t know what they need, you should find out by asking or doing surveys.

These suggestions have nothing to do with keyword density or anything like that. They simply relate to making sure your web site is easy to read, easy to use, and tries to get your visitors to perform some specific action.

For help optimizing your web site, contact Work Media at info@workmedia.net or 888-299-4837.