615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Friday afternoon…and we’ve not made a single blog post this week. Not good. I don’t really even have any knowledge to impart today, so I figured I would just use this post to let you know what’s going on around the Work Media offices.

We have been working with a company called Student Loan Financial Group for a couple of months. We were doing paid search,which was really cool because they had a big budget and (at first) just needed as many leads as we could get. The closing rate of the leads turned out to be low, so as the campaign went on the priority shifted from volume to unit cost. Toward the end, we really had the thing humming, generating a strong number of leads at a very reasonable cost per lead. The student loan business is very cyclical, so that campaign has ended. The kids are all in school now so not too many people are still looking for student loans. We are also engaging in an SEO campaign to generate free traffic. That is going well. The whole student loan industry is in a crunch right now (as are most things to do with credit), so we’re not sure what the future holds but hopefully we’ll get a chance to take what we have learned in the first round of paid search and kick some major ass in round two.

We are in discussions with a few very large companies to run search marketing campaigns. Large companies are definitely our focus these days, as far as our marketing efforts go. Our guy here Jim Reams is making some great contacts that hopefully will pan out in the weeks ahead.

The Google AdWords management application that we’ve been working on for many months got stalled toward the end of last year because we just got so dang busy. I have decided that the quickest way to finish that thing is to pay somebody who is a lot better programmer than I am to finish it. So I am working on specs that lay out exactly what it is supposed to do, then I will begin searching for a programmer to finish the thing up.

We have developed a proprietary method for analyzing a web site’s search engine competitive situation. Rather than post it here, I have written an extended article and am seeking publication in a legitimate magazine or newsletter. More about that later.

Finally, we are just about set to record the first episode of our long-awaited podcast. We finally bought some podcast recording/broadcasting equipment for the office. In fact, I think this afternoon Chris and I are going to take a stab at doing one. We’ll let you know how it goes.

That’s about it. Busy, busy. But that’s the way we like it. As usual, I leave you by suggesting that if you need any help with your company’s search engine marketing, please call Work Media at 888-299-4837 (615-263-2811 if you’re in Middle Tennessee) or email us at Info@WorkMedia.net.