615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

I’ ve been listening to a lot of Internet marketing podcasts lately. The people who are creating all those marketing information products (many of whom are the ones doing the podcasting) have some good ideas. And they’re a lot more on the cutting edge than mainstream marketers. The major thing that they do differently than most marketers is that they take a direct marketing approach. They’re aggressive and persistent.

But I digress. My point was to recommend a couple of podcasts that I’ve been listening to lately. Listen to these and you will definitely expand your knowledge of Internet marketing.

At times a bit rambling, but this guy does some really good interviews.

If you’re just starting in Internet marketing, then this might not be the best for you to listen to. But if you already know something about it, this podcast really digs in deep on some fairly specific issues.

Young, successful Internet entrepreneurs sharing their wisdom.

Contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or info@workmedia.net for help with your Internet marketing campaign.