615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Microsoft AdCenter console used to manage sponsored search ads on MSN has some very interesting dynamic text features that let you leverage your time and effort.

When setting up an MSN ad, you enter text into four fields: Ad Title, Ad Text, Display URL, and Destination URL. When typing in any of those four text boxes, you will notice a link beneath the text box labeled “Dynamic text”. When you click the Dynamic text link, you will see four options:

Insert Keyword Destination URL {param1}
Insert Dynamic Text {param2}
Insert Dynamic Text {param3}
Insert {keyword}

The option we have used most often is the last option, which automatically inserts the search term used in place of the dynamic text placeholder. For example, if you sell electronics, you set the title of the ad to use the dynamic Insert keyword function, so that is someone is searching for “Sanyo LCD TV”, then the title of your ad will be “Sanyo LCD TV”.

Research has shown that using the search terms in the ad (either the header or body) improves click-through rates. So Insert keyword function automates that for you. One caveat is that if the dynamic keyword causes the title or body of the ad to exceed the maximum character limitations, the ad will be declined for that keyword. For example, if Work Media had an ad for the following two keywords:

internet marketing
internet marketing consultant

and we had used the Insert keyword function for the title, the second ad would be denied because the title would be too long. One way to avoid this is to set up specific keyword parameters for each keyword.

We will talk about using the other dynamic parameters tomorrow (unless we think of something else really interesting to talk about).

If you need help setting up an effective pay-per-click campaign for your business, contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net.