615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

We just finished our latest book, The Law Firm Internet Marketing Book, and have created a new page to buy the book on our law firm Internet marketing web site:


This book is highly targeted toward the legal industry. If you are responsible for the promotion of a law firm web site, you should definitely check this book out. Currently, it is only for sale via digital download in PDF format, but in a couple of weeks it will be for sale on Amazon.com for those of you who prefer a hard copy.

Some of the topics covered by the book include:

Keyword research to identify the keywords that people are using to search for the legal services you offer.

On-page optimization to rank highly for your target keywords.

How to use blogs and the SEO content cycle to create huge amounts of content to link to your site.

Using social networking sites like Squidoo and StumbleUpon to promote your web site.

Using social bookmarking sites to improve search rankings.

Creating your own informational site to guide the search engines to links you want them to find.

How to create XML sitemaps to make sure the search engines find all of your web pages.

How to perform keyword research specifically for pay per click.

How to manage your pay per click accounts to generate the maximum number of leads for your marketing dollars.

How to write pay per click ads and landing pages that get results.

Specific pay per click strategies for Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter.

How all the pieces of search engine marketing fit together.

This is a book based on real-world strategies that Work Media uses to promote our clients.