615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

My brother/partner and I had a good laugh the other day. We’re based in Nashville, and let’s face it – people around here have their own unique take on the English language. We are working on a new design for the Work Media web site, and Chris accidentally typed “Inernet marketing” at the top of our new home page – which is pretty well the way the word “internet” is pronounced by many people around here.

But that got me thinking – we would probably pick up a lot of traffic if we actually had a page that emphasized “inernet” rather than “internet”. That technique has worked for us before accidentally. There have been times when, while looking at our site stats, I would notice we were getting traffic from what at first seemed like a fantastic keyword. Upon further inspection, we were getting the traffic because we had misspelled the word. But you know what? Web surfers misspelling the word the same way found our site because of it.

So purposely creating pages optimized for specific misspelled words is a strategy that can be quite effective. Now, you want to be careful with this strategy. You don’t want to use it so much that it creates the impression that you just don’t know how to spell. But if there are high traffic terms for which you would like to rank but just can’t seem to because of excessive competition, ranking for a misspelled version of the search terms can be a very nice technique for picking up some of that traffic.

The misspelled keyword strategy can be used in your paid search campaigns as well to pick up high ad placement for much cheaper than properly spelled keywords.

If you could use some help developing a keyword strategy for your natural or paid search campaigns, contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net. Cawl us tooday!