615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

We have a client for whom we are managing a small pay-per-click campaign. We are trying to implement tracking, with a conversion being defined as the submission of a form on their site. We need to do this to determine what keywords or ad copy results in the best performance. But we have had a devil of a time getting the tracking to work because the site is built using .NET, so the page with the form submits to itself rather than to a separate confirmation page. And this got us thinking…

Why .NET? Now, we have nothing against .NET (Jerry was employed as a .NET programmer several years ago), but for a small site, we suggest avoiding this kind of technology if it is not necessary. For one thing, you run into problems like we are having now – doing something as basic as implementing a tracking script. It’s unwieldy to work with a platform as complicated as .NET. For another thing, a .NET web page will often be returned from the server with a large amount of junk data called “View State”. We don’t know if the occasion would arise when a query from a search engine robot would return View State, but if it did, it would greatly weaken the on-page optimization of the site.

If you have a small site that you will be updating manually, stick with the basics – preferably good ol’ fashion HTML. If you need to use a scripting environment, use something like PHP or ASP, which is much easier to deal with than a compiled environment like .NET that requires a degree in programming to understand.

If you’re a Web geek or programmer reading this, you can probably tell us all kinds of reasons why a site built on .NET is desirable. We have no doubt there are many occasions when this is true. But coming strictly from a search engine marketing/optimization perspective, simpler is better. So stick with the basics.

If you need help optimizing your web site for better search engine results, contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net.