615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Google Adwords – Getting Started with Remarketing

Remarketing is not really a new concept, but it is one that most online advertisers still do not take advantage, probably because of confusion about how it works. It is a very simple concept. Remarketing refers to the intentional display of ads to those who have...

Recent Google AdWords Improvements that Make Advertisers' Lives Easier

At Work Media, what we do can be broadly classified as “Internet marketing,” and underneath the Internet marketing umbrella it breaks down into a few more specific areas such as search engine optimization (“SEO”), social media management, and...

Fuzzoodles – A Lesson in Bad Marketing

Last night I saw a commercial on TV for a child’s toy called Fuzzoodles. It’s basically a set of little fuzzy pipes and pieces that you put together to make crazy looking characters. I’m pretty sure I have actually bought some of these in the past...

Two Little Things that Can Ruin Your Search Rankings

There are many factors that go into how Google or any other search engine will choose to rank your website. If you’ve ever read much about SEO, then you probably already know the importance of optimizing the pages of your website and creating links to your...

The Latest and Greatest: Getting Started with Pinterest

If you do Facebook, or keep up at all with what is going on with the world of social media, you probably know about Pinterest. Right now, it is the hottest thing going. Pinterest lets you set up virtual boards on which you pin images you collect by visiting Web pages,...