Jan 23, 2007 | brand, Branding, internet marketing, online branding, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO
We are currently managing a pay-per-click campaign for a client that is going well in terms of driving traffic to his site, but poorly in terms of conversions. The problem is that our client’s web site does not look as professional as his competitors. This got...
Dec 13, 2006 | brand, Branding, internet marketing, marketing, online branding, social media, surveys, Yahoo
According to Online Media Daily, Yahoo! and Create With Context surveyed 2,261 customers who had recently engaged in an online transation such as consumer electronics, automobiles, hotels or loans. Their conclusion was that 40% of those surveyed could be classified as...
Dec 8, 2006 | blog, blog marketing, Blogging, blogging advice, Branding, content, content creation, internet marketing
The whole point of your Internet marketing campaign is to drive people to your web site and then get them to do something: buy your product, fill out a form, call you, whatever. The more traffic you can drive to your site, the better your chances of achieving your web...