Jan 22, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, MSN, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web site marketing, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
When setting up keywords for our PPC campaigns, it is generally a better strategy to set up keywords and ads with as much granularity as possible – in other words, use lots of ads for small sets of related keywords, rather than have a single ad running for lots...
Dec 21, 2006 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, Website Optimizer, Yahoo Search Marketing
Google has always been a step ahead of the other search engines in terms of providing tools to maximize the performance of your pay-per-click campaign. For instance, the Google Adwords interface has allowed for ad split-testing (or “A/B testing”) for quite...