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Google Marketing: A Quick Google Webmaster Primer

Google Marketing: A Quick Google Webmaster Primer

If you have a business website and want to engage in Google marketing, you are going to need to set up a Google Webmaster account. This will give you some control over how Google finds and displays your website, as well as providing some valuable information that can...

Improving Search Engine Rankings with Google+

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Squidoo, WordPress, Delicious, YouTube…dang! There are a lot of websites you have to deal with if you are trying to promote a website! Social media has been on a tear the last few years, with various marketing experts saying...

Recent Google AdWords Improvements that Make Advertisers' Lives Easier

At Work Media, what we do can be broadly classified as “Internet marketing,” and underneath the Internet marketing umbrella it breaks down into a few more specific areas such as search engine optimization (“SEO”), social media management, and...

How to Become a Google Recognized Authority in Four Easy Steps

It is becoming increasingly more important for you to establish to Google that you are a real person creating legitimate content in order to get more leverage from the content that you create for your search engine marketing. There are a lot of little details for...

Google’s New Instant Search

You may have noticed something odd about Google all of a sudden – rather than waiting until you click the button, Google now starts returning search results while you are still typing out your query. This feature can be turned off, and it is too early to know if...