Feb 25, 2019 | Facebook, social media, social media management
Jerry Work explains why managing Facebook ads through an advertiser account is a better approach than using the Promote button in a Page admin menu. He also explains the use of a Facebook Business Manager account in allowing one to manage multiple Facebook Pages....
Mar 13, 2018 | Facebook, social media, social media management
Most business owners really don’t know the proper way to use Facebook for business purposes. And it’s no wonder – Facebook really does not make it very intuitive, and the change how things work all the time. So I am going to show you how to do it as...
Jun 20, 2012 | social media, social media management
Our company does a fair amount of work with law firms, and reading an article that one of our clients sent us to post to its website really got me thinking about something. The article was about how insurance companies have started using social media as a way to...
Jun 6, 2012 | google, SEO, social media, social media management
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Squidoo, WordPress, Delicious, YouTube…dang! There are a lot of websites you have to deal with if you are trying to promote a website! Social media has been on a tear the last few years, with various marketing experts saying...
Feb 13, 2012 | Facebook, social media, social media management, Social Networking
Have a contest is a great way to spread your brand on Facebook. However, it’s not as simple as just announcing that anyone who likes your business gets entered into a drawing. Facebook has a very strict set of rules about how contests should be conducted. You don’t...
Oct 21, 2009 | Facebook, internet marketing, linkedin, marketing, social media, social media management, Social Networking, twitter
Jerry Work here. I have returned to the business of finishing our next book, on the subject of social media marketing. It has been 90% written for a couple of months; I just haven’t had the enthusiasm for the project to finish. But I’ve rededicated myself...