615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Marketing Lesson Behind Those Sweet, Sweet Colas

Colas are nothing but addictive, obesity-causing poisons… Sweet, sweet addictive poisons… I love colas. Dr. Pepper is my favorite. I can drink that stuff like it’s going out of style. Periodically I give them up. I go through phases of being really...

Recent Events Around the Office

Jerry Work here. Well…so much for my “2010 30 minutes writing every day” challenge. I used to blog every day, but business has been so good this year that I just haven’t had time (or the discipline, I should probably say) to do much blogging....

A New Beginning

2010 is upon us, and we at Work Media are very excited for the future of our company and the search engine marketing industry. This has been an up and down year as we sort-of rode the same economic waves that rocked the rest of our country, but the last couple of...

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend. Work Media is shutting down for a couple of days, but never fear! We will be back in business come Monday morning, ready to get to work.Contact Work Media for help implementing an aggressive Internet marketing campaign...

Mid-October Update

Guys, I’m sorry. I just can’t keep these blogs updated lately. Things have gotten very busy around the office. We’re in a bit of a growth spurt and things are quite busy around the office. I really hope to find more time in the coming weeks to start...

Merry Christmas!

Work Media will be closing the office for a few days for Christmas. Next week, Chris and I will be working from our home offices mostly, but we’ll be checking the office phone frequently and you can always get ahold of us by email. In the meantime, we hope you...