615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Google Print: Extend Your Reach with Cheap Newspaper Advertising

Google continues to position itself as the ultimate integrated advertising platform with the recent release of its Google Print Ads service. You can now use Google to purchase newspaper ads on an auction-based system. This is good for both the newspapers and...

Scripting to Improve Conversions from Natural Search

One of the most important rules of paid search marketing is that there must be a strong connection between the search phrase used in the search engine and what is shown on the page when the visitor arrives. In other words, if a person clicks on your search engine ad...

Writing for People and Machines

If your web site is intended for business purposes, then you really need it to meet the needs of two distinct groups: human beings and search engines.People need to be led. Determine from the start exactly what action it is you want a visitor to your site to take, and...

Internet Buzz Marketing – Part 2

The secrets angle is one that might work well for a professional services business. There are things you know how to do, or information you have, that most people don’t know. Or that most people don’t know that they know. If you don’t know something...

Internet Buzz Marketing – Part 1

Search engine optimization techniques can be applied systematically and scientifically. There is a specific set of activites you can perform that will almost guarantee that you can at least achieve some visibility – that people will see your web site in the...

Are Web Traffic Stats Important?

I recently read an article on BusinessWeek titled “Web Numbers: What’s Real?”. I have to admit that I was somewhat bothered by the article. It discusses the where/when of website statistics and the available sources for gathering this data. The...