615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Facebook has just released a new advertising platform called Flyers Pro ads intended specifically for serving targeted ads to Facebook users. Rather than serving ads based on keywords, like search ads, the ads are served based on user profiles. For example, you can choose to display ads to users who, according to their profile, are fans of a certain TV show, movie, or sports team. You can also target them based on where they stand politically – liberal, moderate, or conservative (what about Libertarians like me?).

I confess to knowing little about Facebook. I used to play in a band, and we used MySpace to promote our band. But in the last couple of years I’ve just been too busy to spend much time engaging in online social networking. So the whole Facebook phenomenon has pretty well passed me by. Another part of it is that I am already on the outside of the age range of heavy users of the service.

According to Facebook, the oldest age with at least 1 million Facebook uers is 24, and the age with the most total Facebook uers is 19. I’m 34, so I’m on the outside looking in.

BUT…I am an Internet marketer. So now that Facebook is opening itself up as a marketing medium, I’m interested. The way ads in Facebook are targeted is completely different from search engines. Will it be effective? Who knows? But it’s definitely something that advertisers should try out. I know we will. Like all forms of marketing, it will take a lot of testing to find what works (if it works at all), but it is a low cost form of marketing that should be explored.

If you could use some help with your online marketing, please contact Work Media at 888-299-4837 or email Info@WorkMedia.net.