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7 Steps for Online Success in 2018 for Small Town Businesses

7 Steps for Online Success in 2018 for Small Town Businesses

Now that we have gotten through the holiday season and the new year has begun in earnest, it is time for you, Mr. Small Town Business Owner, to get serious about using the Internet to promote your business. Print advertising is pretty much dead. Radio likely...

How to Become a Google Recognized Authority in Four Easy Steps

It is becoming increasingly more important for you to establish to Google that you are a real person creating legitimate content in order to get more leverage from the content that you create for your search engine marketing. There are a lot of little details for...

Using Amazon.com for Topic Research

If you’ve read much of our blog (or our articles, books, etc.), then you know that we are HUGE advocates of using content distribution as a primary search engine marketing strategy. It has many benefits: it establishes your credibility as an expert, it gets your...

The Thirty Minute Writing Challenge

Write thirty minutes every day. That is one of the challenges to myself at the start of 2010. Day three (not counting the 1st, which was a football watching, beer drinking, chilling out kind of day; the 2nd, which was a Saturday devoted to catching up on chores; and...

Software to Avoid: Article Video Robot

First off, let me say that I LOVE the concept behind this product. The idea is that you can load up a text article into the system and it will automatically create a video, with a robotic voice that reads certain parts of the article. The web site claims that you can...

Article Post Robot: Recommended Article Distribution Software

I have been trying out an article distribution software package called Article Post Robot, and so far I am impressed. Unlike many other things I have tried, this may actually be worth the money. Article Post Robot has some features that I really like. For one thing,...