615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Two Heads of RSS

RSS, or “Real Simple Syndication,” is a file format that allows for the streaming of text Web content. It has two primary uses in the field of marketing, and you should probably make use of both. The two uses are to stream content from other Web publishers...

Seach Engine Optimization: Get the Link Out

We have been thinking a lot about this whole linking thing that is causing such an uproar in the Internet marketing community. If you haven’t heard, Google is supposedly cracking down on paid links and is de-emphasizing the importance of links to a site’s...

Internet Marketing: Using Link Bait to Generate Traffic

Link Bait is content on your web site so interesting and compelling that others want to link to it and discuss it. Examples of different kinds of link bait include free books, free tools or downloads, and contests. To give you a better idea of what link bait looks...