615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Importance of In-Person Networking in a Tough Economy

You just can’t beat good old fashioned person-to-person networking for generating business. We had a booth at a recent networking event hosted by the Nashville Chamber of Commerce, and it was fantastic. We talked to lots of people who were very interested in our...

Write a Book Now

Well, a few weeks ago we launched our first book on Amazon.com, and it has been an interesting experiment. We have not yet set the world on fire with book sales, but it has been a great credibility builder when talking to local prospects, especially when I hand them a...

Allocating Your Advertising Budget: Think Before You Spend

Think before you spend. That is today’s lesson. We’re talking about spending with regard to what you spend on advertising, especially online advertising. We have a large client who inquired about advertising on the front page of Yahoo!. Before we even...

Shopper Frustration: Local Businesses Losing Sales by not Using the Web

Local businesses are losing sales by not taking advantage of the Web as a sales tool. No, this is not based on any kind of poll or data analysis. It’s based purely on my own experiences. It is usually the case that for every one person who experiences a problem,...

Marketing Success for 2008: Measurement is the Key

Welcome to the first Work Media blog post of 2008. We hope everybody had a terrific New Years!We’ve been finishing up the Work Media 2008 marketing plan and it got me thinking about something very important when it comes to marketing, and that is measurement....

A Seven Sentence Marketing Plan for 2008

We are working on Work Media’s 2008 marketing plan, so I thought that would be a good subject for today’s blog post. I was listening to an audio program at some point in the last year that had a formula for a seven sentence marketing plan. This may be a...