615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net
Sneaky Car Sales Tactics I Learned from My Experience Buying a New Car (or How I Saved $8 Thousand on a New Jeep)

Sneaky Car Sales Tactics I Learned from My Experience Buying a New Car (or How I Saved $8 Thousand on a New Jeep)

No Internet marketing lesson today. Instead here is some real world advice that could save you a ton of cash. First off, let me just say that I am pro-business, and I am pro-profit. I think every business deserves to make a profit. But what I am against are “bait and...

How to Use Tracking URLs (video)

In the latest video from Work Media Studios, I talk about why it is necessary to set up URL tracking parameters and show how to do it. I also briefly rail against the current prohibition against hemp oil advertising by the major online advertising platforms (but as I...
Improving Your Google Ads Performance by Optimizing for Device Type

Improving Your Google Ads Performance by Optimizing for Device Type

Google ad performance can be broken out and adjusted based on three major categories of device type: • Computers • Mobile phones • Tablets Google provides performance data for each type of device and allows you to adjust your campaigns to serve more or fewer ads for...

I Hate Nick Saban (video)

I hate Saban…but I also love the guy. His approach to football provides a valuable lesson for every business owner, as I discuss in the video below.
The 11:15 PM Blog Post

The 11:15 PM Blog Post

I took about a two month hiatus from blogging. I would not recommend you do that. I’ve had a nagging in the back of my head for weeks…”you gotta start blogging again…you must begin posting content again…you must get off your...
Google Search Console: Often Overlooked but Critical to SEO Success

Google Search Console: Often Overlooked but Critical to SEO Success

Google Search Console is the platform Google makes available to provide it information about your website and receive feedback from Google. Information it will provide includes if it is indexing the pages of your site, what search terms people are using to find your...
Connecting Things with IFTTT

Connecting Things with IFTTT

I have a client who has a website that was built several years ago on the WordPress platform. In the interim, much of the hosting environment and platform became outdated. The version of PHP that the server was running was outdated, WordPress was outdated, and most of...
A New Keyword Research Tool – Answer the Public

A New Keyword Research Tool – Answer the Public

There is a cool new keyword tool I have started using that I thought you might like to know about. It is called Answer the Public, and it is found at https://answerthepublic.com. You supply it with a keyword and it generates keyword lists based on Google and Bing auto...
How to Appeal a Rejected Facebook Ad

How to Appeal a Rejected Facebook Ad

There have been many times when I had to appeal a Facebook ad rejection. I don’t know if it is actual humans who look at an ad before it is rejected or if it is some kind of automated process that automatically rejects ads that contain certain words or themes. I...
What Does Average Time on Page Really Mean?

What Does Average Time on Page Really Mean?

Sometimes you’ve got to take the information in Google with a grain of salt. It’s not gospel. Sometimes it’s just downright wrong. There are a number of issues that can distort data. For instance, one’s browser settings can influence what...