Feb 4, 2011 | advertising, marketing
You should spend serious time thinking about how you market your business. You need to design and IMPLEMENT a system for delivering leads to your business. I am a student of guys like Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy – guys who have helped millions of business owners like...
Oct 16, 2010 | marketing, Uncategorized
Colas are nothing but addictive, obesity-causing poisons… Sweet, sweet addictive poisons… I love colas. Dr. Pepper is my favorite. I can drink that stuff like it’s going out of style. Periodically I give them up. I go through phases of being really...
Oct 8, 2010 | business, marketing
This is an interesting marketing concept that you probably haven’t put nearly enough thought into. “Price elasticity” just refers to the sensitivity of sales of a product or service to a change in its price. Most business owners have an artificial idea in their heads...
Sep 23, 2010 | marketing, marketing plan
If I ask you what business you are in, you will likely say “I own a such and such store” or “I own a restaurant” or “I’m a dentist” or something similar. If I ask you what you do in your business, then, you’ll say...
Sep 13, 2010 | google, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO
You may have noticed something odd about Google all of a sudden – rather than waiting until you click the button, Google now starts returning search results while you are still typing out your query. This feature can be turned off, and it is too early to know if...
Sep 3, 2010 | keyword research, keywords, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search engine rankings, SEO
I wanted to take a few minutes today and discuss something that is CRITICAL to success in the world of search engine optimization: FOCUS. Focus is a requirement for success in anything in life, and search marketing is certainly no different. If you want your website...
Sep 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
Jerry Work here. Well…so much for my “2010 30 minutes writing every day” challenge. I used to blog every day, but business has been so good this year that I just haven’t had time (or the discipline, I should probably say) to do much blogging....
May 16, 2010 | internet marketing, Social Networking, twitter
Twitter’s 110% rule (that says that the number of people you can follow is a maximum of the greater of 2000 or 110% of the number of people you are following) creates a problem for marketers. The top way to generate new followers of your own is to follow others....
Feb 18, 2010 | internet marketing, ppc search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, spanish, spanish seo
The market for your products or services among those who speak Spanish is potentially massive. And chances are very good that you are completely missing out on that market. This is somewhat of a complex subject, but I am going to give you a bare-bones strategy for...