615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Part 5

Yes, yes, development of our proprietary Google AdWords application is still ongoing. We just finished a section of the application that I am excited about it because it will be a major time saver in setting up Google campaigns. What we’ve done is give our...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Part 4

We’re big on gaining as much Google “shelf space” as possible. In other words, for any particular keyword we are targeting, we want to have a paid search listing on the search results page as well as at least one natural search ranking. We think it...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Part 3

Today we will continue with our series of posts chronicling the development of our proprietary Google AdWords management application.One thing that’s a little unwieldy about using the Google AdWords API via its various Web Services is that every time a Web...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Part 2

I had a good day yesterday working on our Google AdWords management application. I started implementing keyword research functionality. I created a .NET user control and class that lets the user perform keyword research, using Google’s keyword data, which is...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application

Jerry Work here. I think I never commented on my daughter. She had surgery last week to fix a kidney reflux problem, which basically caused her urine to flow the wrong way. The surgery went well, although there will probably be some additional future treatment...

Mashups – the Future of Online Application Development

Jerry here. For those of you who had inquired about the status of my daughter, she is doing just fine. The surgery was a success. She is waking up in the middle of the night in quite a bit of pain, but for the most part she is still a happy, healthy baby. I was at...