615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Tiny URLs in Email Messages

One thing I’ve noticed in various junk marketing emails I’ve received lately is that email marketers have started using tiny URLs in their email messages. A tiny URL is basically a URL that is routed through another service that knows what the actual URL...

Conscientious Marketing

It is possible to weld the core business motive of generating profit with virtues such as charity and environmentalism. Not only is it possible, it is advisable.If you incorporate an element of charity into a marketing campaign, such as giving a percentage of earnings...

Getting Started With Autoresponder Marketing with GetResponse

Work Media has begun using the services of GetResponse.com, and so far we are highly impressed with the service. We don’t do much product recommending, but we’re going to make an exception. We did our research before signing up with an autoresponder...

Autoresponders – a Critical Piece of the Internet Marketing Puzzle

You need to face facts – only a very small percentage of people who visit your web site are going to do business with you initially. You need to get that email address. The approach that Work Media has taken (and that probably many of you have taken) is to use a...

A Real World Example of Good Online Marketing – Right in my Inbox

An email I got this morning reminded me of a couple of good Internet marketing principles, so I thought I would talk about it.Not too long ago, I owned an old Dodge Ram truck. I bought a part for it that I had not been able to find from a web site called...