Feb 5, 2007 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing
You already know about pay-per-click. If not, you haven’t been paying attention. Give us a call.But did you know that Google has an alternate ad distribution method called “site-targeted”? This is different than using the content network. Standard...
Jan 30, 2007 | internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sponsored search, Yahoo, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
We have been spending a fair amount of time lately exploring the new Yahoo Search Marketing interface, and we’ve come upon one new feature that we are very excited about. It’s the Alternate Text option for your keywords. This option lets you place a...
Jan 26, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, sponsored search, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
Yesterday we began our discussion of the dual disciplines of successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing with an explanation of the mathematician side. Today we continue that discussion by looking at the artist side – the part of the process that involves creative...
Jan 25, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
Pay-Per-Click, or Sponsored Search, marketing is an interesting field because of the duality of skills necessary to be successful in it. On one hand, you have to understand the numbers – you have to know what a customer is worth to you, how many visitors to your...
Jan 22, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, MSN, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web site marketing, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
When setting up keywords for our PPC campaigns, it is generally a better strategy to set up keywords and ads with as much granularity as possible – in other words, use lots of ads for small sets of related keywords, rather than have a single ad running for lots...
Jan 15, 2007 | internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO
A San Fransisco-based company called Eyetools has just released a new report based on eye tracking research involving people performing searches on Google. The URL to read about the research is:http://www.eyetools.com/inpage/research_google_eyetracking_heatmap.htmThe...