615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net
What Is Trust Flow and Why Do You Need It?

What Is Trust Flow and Why Do You Need It?

Trust Flow is a concept that is important in the area of ranking a website. If you understand it and use it, it will give you a strong competitive advantage and a good chance at ranking well in Google. For a number of years there was a concept very important in the...
Turn the AMP Up and Keep Rockin’

Turn the AMP Up and Keep Rockin’

No, unfortunately this article does not actually discuss guitar amps (one of my favorite things). That would be more fun to write about! But what we are talking about is a technology that is very important to your website marketing – AMP, which stands for...
Using Yoast to Optimize Your WordPress Web Pages

Using Yoast to Optimize Your WordPress Web Pages

One of the great things about WordPress is its plugin architecture that allows you to add all kinds of functionality to your website that would otherwise be very difficult. One of the plugins I use most is Yoast. Yoast is an SEO plugin that analyzes your web pages and...

Hyper-Optimization: Kill It With this Extreme Strategy from the Work Media Internet Marketing Report

7 Steps for Online Success in 2018 for Small Town Businesses

7 Steps for Online Success in 2018 for Small Town Businesses

Now that we have gotten through the holiday season and the new year has begun in earnest, it is time for you, Mr. Small Town Business Owner, to get serious about using the Internet to promote your business. Print advertising is pretty much dead. Radio likely...
Seven Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing

Seven Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing

It amazes me how many small (or even large!) companies these days do so poorly managing their Internet marketing. It’s about to be 2017. There is no excuse for not using the Internet to build your business, especially if you spend money on other forms of...