615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

SEO Software Review: Neurolinker

Today we’re going to do a quick product review. For a couple of weeks now we have been using a product called Neurolinker, which is an online service that facilitates link sharing among its members. There are other similar services but we were attracted to this...

Been busy 'round here…

We appologize for the lack of updates so far this year. We’ve got a lot of thing going on and, well, blogging has been a low priority.Our new book is now available on Amazon.com: The Law Firm Internet Marketing Book. To check it out on Amazon,...

Lessons from Urban Meyer

Congratulations Florida Gators on your second football national championship in three years. We here at Work Media are Vols fans, but we are proud of the way the University of Florida represented our conference. Florida’s head coach, Urban Meyer, is someone to...

Setting Your 2009 Goals

We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season…’cause now it’s time to get to work! In this, our first blog post of 2009, we want to talk about a more high level subject (as opposed to information specific to Internet marketing), and that is: setting goals!There is...

Merry Christmas!

Work Media will be closing the office for a few days for Christmas. Next week, Chris and I will be working from our home offices mostly, but we’ll be checking the office phone frequently and you can always get ahold of us by email. In the meantime, we hope you...

New Article Software We Are Trying Out

We try out new tools for doing our job better and faster all the time. One that I am currently trying out is an online service called JetSubmitter. This tool does two things: it creates spun articles from your seed article, and it distributes those articles to a few...

The Article Spinning Controversy: How to Do It Ethically

I’ve read several blog posts and articles lately speaking out against article spinning, which is a practice that we endorse, so I thought it might be a good idea to elaborate on this subject so that our readers don’t think we’re telling them to...

GoDaddy…One Step Too Far?

We do a lot of business with GoDaddy.com. Their domain names are cheap, their hosting is cheap and fairly reliable (about as reliable as anybody else), and their support is decent. We have recommended them to a lot of our clients because, frankly, there just...

Building Out Your Information Hub with RSS

In a recent post, we talked about building your own information hub for search engine marketing purposes. This provides two major benefits: first, sites that are very heavy in content that changes often tend to rank highly; and second, an information hub provides you...

New Law Firm Internet Marketing Book

We just finished our latest book, The Law Firm Internet Marketing Book, and have created a new page to buy the book on our law firm Internet marketing web site:http://law-firm-internet-marketing.net/the-law-firm-internet-marketing-book.aspThis book is highly targeted...