Feb 22, 2012 | article directories, article distribution, article marketing, search engine optimization, SEO
Following are twenty of the top article directories, roughly ranked by recent Alexa ratings. These directories all have a reasonably high PageRank, a low Alexa rating (lower is better), and allow Do Follow links. This is a good list to use for your SEO campaign....
Feb 16, 2012 | article directories, article distribution, article writing, google, search engine optimization, SEO, social media
It is becoming increasingly more important for you to establish to Google that you are a real person creating legitimate content in order to get more leverage from the content that you create for your search engine marketing. There are a lot of little details for...
Feb 4, 2009 | article directories, article distribution, article marketing, article spinning, articles, internet marketing, Link Building, linking campaign
Jerry Work here. I do a lot of article marketing. For a while, I got heavy into video, but it is more difficult to produce video for third-party clients than it is to produce my own. So ultimately, text content creation and distribution is still the most effective...
Dec 22, 2008 | article directories, article distribution, article marketing, article spinning, article writing, articles, JetSubmitter
We try out new tools for doing our job better and faster all the time. One that I am currently trying out is an online service called JetSubmitter. This tool does two things: it creates spun articles from your seed article, and it distributes those articles to a few...
Mar 7, 2008 | article directories, article distribution, article marketing, article writing, articles, internet marketing, linking, linking campaign, search engine optimization, SEO
In the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a ton of article writing. It has definitely moved to the top of my list of favored strategies. Article writing serves two major purposes: branding and SEO. From a branding perspective, a well-written article can create the...
Feb 13, 2008 | article directories, article distribution, article marketing, article writing, articles, copywriting, internet marketing, search engine marketing, SEO
Article writing continues to be one of the most effective search engine marketing techniques in existence. It has two major benefits: it is a good branding move because it makes you appear like an expert in your field; and it generates one-way links to your web site...